How to order Prophetic Art

Step 1 - Fill out the prophetic art form provided
On the form you’ll need to provide the following information; your name, email address, who is the artwork for, live event inquiries, and selected Tier option. Completion of order may vary based on the Tier selected. For any additional information, please fill out the message section on the form. Due to the nature of our services, please remain in the guidelines listed above. If you have any further questions, please contact us.

Step 2 - Receiving An Confirmation Email
You’ll receive an email confirmation stating that we’ve received your request form. We’ll be sure to follow up as soon as possible, please look out for an email titled: “Prophetic Art Request – Your Name”.

Step 3 - Discussing your art piece
This followup email to the confirmation will be discussing the timeline and details of the art piece. Based on the selected service, we will contact you for a brief consultation via email. For live event inquiries, the consultation will cover venue location, date, size, medium of the piece, and travel.

Step 4 - Payments/Deposits
Only Tier 1 will require the full payment of *a limited time offer of* $40 dollars. The payment must come before the artwork for Tier 1 starts. As for Tiers 2 and 3, they start with an upfront Deposit of 50%. By the completion of the artwork, pay the remainder of the commission.

Step 5 - Receiving your Art Piece
For digital pieces, you will receive your finished art piece along with the accompanying mp3 file of your recorded prophetic word. For physical art pieces, there will either be a shipping method or a pick up method based on your location. We will promote all Second Breath Studios art commissions without your personal prophetic word for advertisement purposes. This includes our website and social media platforms.

Final Step! Has the piece blessed you?
While We enjoy creating art for you, more importantly we’d love to hear from you on how this visual has touched your heart. Hearing how he moves blesses us tremendously, it is deeply treasured and valued!
Did you know you can upgrade
your piece?
Let’s say you enjoy Tier 2 piece so
much, that you’d like to upgrade
it as a Tier 3.